My home lab has evolved over the years. It’s gone down from a half rack with some nice 4U cases on rails to a few systems on the desk. Those “few” systems have started to grow and I’ve also wanted to free up a bit more desk space. During my…

Getting RAID Inside a Dell

Note: This article uses Affiliate Links. I’ll earn a small commission, at no cost to you, if you purchase items through those links. Since I’m using the items and found them worthwhile, I feel I am still in integrity with my goals by doing this. Lately I’ve gotten into using…

Crowview Note – First Impressions

A Kickstarter for the CrowView Note came across one of my social media feeds. It basically is a rechargeable 14″ screen, keyboard and trackpad with a handful of ports. It can be used to extend the screen of many modern mobile phones while also charging them. It also works for…

Chatbots? Some Thoughts About Employee Satisfaction

Often chatbots are used with the only goal of bringing down costs. There is a “benefit” of increasing CSAT (Customer SATisfaction) with the logic being that the customers will get faster service. Part of the misguided logic is that fewer human customer support representatives will be needed. If you already…

RaspberryPi and Safecracking

Two friends both have a safe or two where they don’t know the combination – either the family member that owned it has passed, or they’ve forgotten it. I’ve read about using a Single Board Computer (like a Raspberry Pi) and a stepper motor to manually do the different combinations.…

Key Differentiators For Chat/Conversational AI Platforms

When selecting a system for your CAI (Conversational AI) system, there are features that will be “must-haves.”  If a solution can’t offer these then they should be dropped from your list.  There will also be features that should strongly influence the decision.   This article started as the 4 key differentiators…