SE – You MUST Know Layers 8 & 9 of the OSI Model
As a Sales Engineer one often knows a variety of disparate technologies and details. And any with network knowledge are already wondering about the title. Some readers already know the joke. You see the OSI model describes the conceptual layers to a network, and there are actually only 7 layers to it.
Image from Webopedia.
To quote Webopedia:
The International Standards Organization (ISO) developed the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. It divides network communication into seven layers. Layers 1-4 are considered the lower layers, and mostly concern themselves with moving data around. Layers 5-7, the upper layers, contain application-level data. Networks operate on one basic principle: “pass it on.” Each layer takes care of a very specific job, and then passes the data onto the next layer.
So what would Layer 8 and Layer 9 be? The most important layers that you need to know, regardless of what technology, solution or product you are selling.
Those layers are the theoretical Budgetary and Political layers. The joke here is that in the end it all depends on intangible layers for the network equipment to be purchased, maintained and deployed. And if you think about this it will apply to all technical sales. SaaS, CDN, AI, ML or APM – if the political winds or budgetary constraints aren’t in your favor you won’t close the deal. (Or you’ll expend way more energy than necessary.)
So regardless of how you technically solve the problem, fill a need or ease the pain there are theoretical layers that you must overcome. Many SEs and AEs will get tunnel vision and concentrate on only that they solve the problem. Worse they might not have gotten the correct stakeholders informed and involved in the key meetings.
When you plan the sales process make sure you have the right stakeholders in the appropriate meetings. Be aware that the competition might be planting land mines or trying to change the playing field. You need to control every facet you can. And you will be more successful when you keep the intangible Budgetary and Political layers in mind. They are there no matter what it is you are trying to sell in the tech space.