Becoming a Consultant/Contractor/Reseller
Things have moved faster than expected. Read on if you are thinking of pivoting to contracting or consulting. My status and progress might help you map out what you’d need to do.
One week since announcing this path, I have:
- signed one Contractor Agreement. Not many hours to start, but should grow.
- a Partnership Agreement in hand. It will take at least two months to generate income.
- conversations continuing with 3 other firms that need contractor work.
- a General Liability insurance policy setup.
- great progress on the website. I need to set up some encryption to see if that fixes a WordPress issue I’m seeing. More importantly, I need to refine my positioning/branding.
- a CRM system scoped out. I’ve got to migrate a few websites to a newer server before I get back on this item. For now, a Google Doc will do to keep track of conversations and opportunities.
As for current stats – this makes for 75 articles published on LinkedIn. I have 116 on my blog and 177 drafts started on various topics. Publishing relevant content makes a tremendous difference in connecting with the right people. You have to be more than attempting to be an “Influencer” or “Creator.”
Be real, be genuine, and business will come.
Goals for this week:
- Get the CRM system stood up.
- Get at least one more contract in hand to consider.
- Have my website ready to go public.
- Post 2 more articles here.
- More outreach to connections to grow my skills and offerings.
- Debug the WordPress issue. It is getting in the way of creating SEO-friendly URLs.
- Get all websites migrated to a newer server.
I owe another big “thank you” to my LinkedIn network. Especially Brian Clay, Derek Roberti, Darrel DeCosta, Eric Repec, Shawn Jackson, Tony Maestri, and a handful of others that have given feedback or support. So paranoid I’m forgetting specific people.
Please let me know if you have other opportunities to suggest related to Partnerships, Reselling, or Contracting work. Also if you have an interest in reviewing the website. I can always use more feedback!