Slackware, Still Very Much Alive
A recent article at says that there are over 600 Linux distros (distributions). Of those 500 are in active development. If you aren’t familiar, a “distro” is a way of packaging up the Linux kernel with a set of applications. Different ones have evolved with different priorities and methodologies.
Slackware is the oldest still in development. Slackware is stability and easy to use versus having cutting edge software. They released version 14.2 back in July of 2016. But the “current” version can be built into a DVD or bootable USB drive. It had updates done to it the day before I published this article. There is risk of course. You might build it at a time where one or more of the packages has issues and hasn’t been completely tested.
If you want to build a “PhD” (Push her Dummy) simple bootable USB drive, read Chris Crawford’s great guide “Using a USB Stick to Install Slackware-Current”.
If you want to support keeping Slackware alive and growing, please visit the official Slackware Patron Page and sign up.
Photo by Kevin Horvat on Unsplash. Cropped by author.