Slackware, Still Very Much Alive

A recent article at says that there are over 600 Linux distros (distributions).  Of those 500 are in active development.  If you aren’t familiar, a “distro” is a way of packaging up the Linux kernel with a set of applications.  Different ones have evolved with different priorities and methodologies.…
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Reverse Engineering a Linux Install

The Linux world is full of different package managers.  Yum, Apt and others can make it complex when a solution doesn’t support a distro (distribution) you are already standardized on.  If the option of compiling yourself is not available, the next option is to convert the available packages or extract…
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Regex and Performance

Compute power costs money.  This is one reason why it is important that developers write their regular expressions (regex) with efficiency in mind.  It also needs to be written correct so that it functions explicitly as intended.  I was using a SaaS tool to simulate the performance impacts of certain…
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