When Founders Hold On Too Hard

The tech scene has evolved and changed a lot since I joined Next Level Communications back in 1995. It used to be that there had to be much more of a path to revenue to generate investment. Lately it takes a lot less for a firm to get investment and…

Blending Work Lessons Into Your Life

I was going through some papers on my desk and came across a local free paper that I must have picked up while doing some physical therapy at the gym. The cover had a photo of a windblown tree and a quote by Jeffrey Gitomer of “Resilience is not what…

The CRUD to Think About With Modern CDNs

True cutting edge CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) offer features that differentiate them and allow you to cut costs in innovative ways while at the same time improving performance. (They also do a lot to secure your site, but that is for another post.) One of the differences that Fastly offers…

So Where Did It All Go?

So you might be wondering where all of the old content went.  It’s been an interesting couple of years, and an even more interesting past seven months. But that doesn’t fully explain where all the information went.