Last Day at Fastly

After a second 2 year tour as a Sales Engineer at Fastly, I am sad to announce that today is my last day.  When Fastly invited me back, I was injured and looking for a safe place to confirm my recovery.  Looking back, the amount of gratitude I feel to…

No, I Don’t Want to “Put time on (your) calendar”

Growing or evolving companies will undoubtedly have undocumented and non-standard processes.  Teams often share these processes as tribal knowledge of sorts.  The key issue with this methodology is that they aren’t shared  consistently and deviations will appear over time.  This also doesn’t scale well. It is a sign of inexperienced…

Slackware, Still Very Much Alive

A recent article at says that there are over 600 Linux distros (distributions).  Of those 500 are in active development.  If you aren’t familiar, a “distro” is a way of packaging up the Linux kernel with a set of applications.  Different ones have evolved with different priorities and methodologies.…